J R Bonfield Elementary

Parent Links

http://school.familyeducation.com/kindergarten/parenting/36063.htmlThis site gives you information about what your child will learn in kindergarten, and you can also find information about your child's development before and after kindergarten.

http://www.coolmath.com/parents/getready.htmThis site gives great ideas for incorporating math concepts into the everyday lives of your kindergartener.

http://www.education.com/grade/kindergarten/?cid=4827This site gives social, emotional, developmental, and academic advice for helping your kindergarten student.

http://www.readingrockets.orgThis site has a variety of articles designed to help you meet the needs of your child in order to provide a successful education.  Look for the link at the top-left, "For Parents."

http://www.internet4classrooms.com/parents.htmThis site provides a list of helpful websites and articles on a variety of topics including reading and math help, discipline, internet safety, and family life.

http://www.macmillanmh.com/math/mathconnects/gradeK/sgKc1lesson1.htmlThis link will take to our curriculum publisher's website where you can navigate through our different math chapters to find great games to practice our skills.

http://www.literacycenter.net/lessonview_en.htm#This site provides activities for many important academic areas including writing, letters, numbers, and word awareness.  Check the writing section for instructions on how to properly form uppercase and lowercase letters.