Warwick High School

"How do I calculate my grade?"

For the 2023-2024 school year grading categories will be weighted in my classes in accordance with Warwick grading policies.

 My categories for CP Biology and Honors Biology:

  • Learning Activities: Classwork, worksheets, select group activities, select labs, things within a unit.
  • Concluding Activities: Tests, select labs, things at the end of a unit.
  • Homework: Assignments that must be completed outside of class for practice.  They will be checked for completion but will be tracked in the gradebook.
My categories for AP Biology
  • Exams and Presentations
  • Lab Reports and Lab Asignments
  • Classwork/Homework
  • Chapter Outlines
College Prep Biology 222
Classwork activities will be weighted at 35%, concluding activities at 55%, and homework at 10%.  To calculate the grade, follow these steps:
  1. Add up the points you earned for all the activities in a category.
  2. Divide this by the total points possible in that category.
  3. Multiply this by the following.
    1. 0.45 for Learning Activities Category
    2. 0.55 for Concluding Activities Category
    3. 0.00 for Homework Category
  4. Add together the three numbers from step 3.  This is the grade.
  5. Students completing at least 85% of items in the homework category will recieve an extra 2% on their marking period grade at the end of the respective marking period.

Honors Biology 221
Classwork activities will be weighted at 30%, concluding activities at 60%, and homework at 10%.  To calculate the grade, follow these steps:

  1. Add up the points you earned for all the activities in a category.
  2. Divide this by the total points possible in that category.
  3. Multiply this by the following.
    1. 0.40 for Learning Activities Category
    2. 0.60 for Concluding Activities Category
    3. 0.00 for Homework Category
  4. Add together the three numbers from step 3.  This is the grade.
  5. Students completing at least 90% of items in the homework category will recieve an extra 1% on their marking period grade at the end of the respective marking period.

AP Biology
Exams and Presentations will be weighted at 50%, Lab Reports and Lab Assignments at 25%, Classwork & Homework at 15%, and Chapter Outlines at 10%.  To calculate the grade, follow these steps:

  1. Add up the points you earned for all the activities in a category.
  2. Divide this by the total points possible in that category.
  3. Multiply this by the following.
    1. 0.50 for Exam & Presentation Category
    2. 0.25 for Lan Report & Lab Assignment Category
    3. 0.15 for Classwork/Homework Category
    4. 0.10 for Chapter Outline Category
  4. Add together the three numbers from step 3.  This is the grade.