Lititz Elementary

Classroom Highlights

The Fourth Grade curriculum is full of fun and interesting topics.  Here are some of the highlights:

ELA:  English Language Arts is taught in homerooms.  We incorporate many aspects of Language Arts such as word study, grammar, vocabulary building, reading skills and comprehension, and the writing process.

MATH:  Math is taught in flexible grouping.  Your child may have a teacher that is different from his/her homeroom teacher.  We learn about place value, whole number operations, graphing, money, time, geometry, and problem solving. Multiplication facts play a huge part in the Fourth Grade.  Students will need to know their facts well.

SOCIAL STUDIES/SCIENCE:  Our social studies curriculum focuses on regions of the United States.  Our science curriculum is a combination of Life Science, Physical Science, and the Human Body.

Other important notes...

  • Our rules were created together.  The consequences were also discussed.  They are posted in the back of our classroom.   When a rule is broken, you will receive a note and will see a mark on the VIP folder. 
  • VIP folders come home every Friday.  They show how your child has behaved this week, as well as their homework activity.  All graded work is placed in this folder.  The folder should be signed by a parent/guardian and returned on Monday. 
  • We have recess every day that the weather and our schedule permits.  Please have your child dress appropriately.
  • Assignment books are required to be filled out every day by the students.  They should be initialed by a parent/guardian every evening.